Steps to reduce runoff waste

Growing great plants is never an easy balance. It’s even more difficult with cannabis since the grow cycle is so short and each cultivar is so different. One small misstep at any point in the plant’s life and you can significantly reduce your yield. For the purposes of this discussion, let’s limit those risks to:

  • Not enough water
  • Not enough nutrients
  • Too much water
  • Too many nutrients

The combination of thirsty plants, evaporation, HVAC, dehumidification, hot lights, fans and soil variation makes the perfect balance incredibly hard to find and maintain. If any of these variables change, you’ll need to adjust your methods or controls. Economically, you’re balancing the high cost (and waste) of RO water and nutrients with the risk of a low yield.

Some growers favor a manual watering or feeding method. Some even target 20% runoff as a signal of proper watering. Doesn’t watching 20% of your investment going down the drain make you shudder? If your team is manually lifting every pot, using traditional soil moisture meters or sticking your finger in the soil to assess the watering needs, you’re subject to wasting time, missing the optimal moisture value and risking plant health from rough movements.

The “state of the art” systems inherited from the controlled growth industry for varietals and vegetables is timer-based systems. The approach is conceptually sound. Assuming you can predict your plants’ needs, day-by-day months in advance, you can create a watering schedule to automatically feed them. This assumes every plant has the exact same needs. Varietals and vegetables are easier to predict than cannabis which can grow more aggressively with greater variation between cultivars.

  • Does your crop include a super star? Well, sorry – she’s going to be starving.
  • Does your crop include a few weak plants or environmentally challenged areas? Well, sorry – she’s going to either drown or get burned out from excessive nutrients.
  • Did anything go wrong with your environmental control systems? Well, sorry – you’ve disrupted the planned moisture consumption, evaporation or nutrient requirements.

As we mentioned earlier, any of these situations can impact the plants remaining life and ultimately your yield.

Living soils alleviate most of the nutrient burn challenges. Assuming you get the correct mix and layers when you initially fill the pots, you can reduce that risk. If your soil mix is too hot, you can flush it and top dress the necessary nutrients. The flushing process washes your expensive nutrients down the drain with RO water.

Let’s consider a dynamic, sensor-driven system. With the latest technical advances, it’s possible to sense the current state of every single plant. It’s also possible to give every plant exactly what she needs. After you’ve defined the moisture ranges, the system can automatically adjust for environment changes. If an HVAC duct or dehumidifier is drying out the nearby plants too aggressively, those plants will automatically get just a little more water to keep them on your defined plan. Similarly, if the temperature falls unexpectedly and evaporation has slowed, the system will automatically adapt and maintain the proper moisture level you set in your plan.

Root lock is another significant challenge. If excessive salt-based nutrients build up on the roots, the plants won’t be able to absorb additional nutrients or water. A flush is a must! Without a flush, it’s double trouble: as the plant withers, additional watering will just send your money down the drain. Flushing plants is an expensive proposition as your money goes down the drain. While it’s obviously possible to recover a plant from root lock, the progress she lost can’t be fully recovered because of your timeline. Your yield has been reduced.

One other advantage is proactive sensing of EC. If you’ve defined your EC range, the system can continuously monitor EC and notify you if any plant starts to vary from your desired range. You will have the opportunity to monitor and intervene before the plant suffers an adverse impact.

Ultimately, an individualized, sensor-driven system will allow you to reduce both water and nutrient waste by giving plants only what they need. Are you ready for a system that continuously adapts to plant needs and alerts you to potential root lock? Check out Greenest Grow and we’ll help you get to the next level.